Novena of Saint Charbel

Novena to Saint Charbel


O Saint Charbel, son of Lebanon, Symbol of martyrdom and faith, To you, we direct our prayers, In you, we place our hope. With your righteousness, pray to the Lord of safety, To shower upon us His sea of tenderness.

O Saint Charbel, pray for us.

O Lord, who bestowed upon Saint Charbel The grace of unwavering faith, Guide us through his intercession, That we may follow your commandments And live by your Holy Word. The glory is yours forever. Amen.

Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.


O Saint Charbel, Martyr of monastic life, You walked the hardest path to God, Never deviating from His face, Be the guiding light from above. Intercede for us, and grant our petitions (make your petition(s) here). Amen.

O Saint Charbel, pray for us.

O God, of infinite benevolence, Who honored Saint Charbel with grace, Grant us the miracles we seek Through his powerful intercession. The glory is yours forever. Amen.

Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.


O Saint Charbel, the amiable star, Brighten our way and fortify our hope. From you, we seek the petitions (make your petition(s) here). Intercede for us before Jesus the crucified, Whom you worship perpetually. Amen.

O Saint Charbel, pray for us.

O Lord Jesus, who sanctified Saint Charbel And helped him bear his cross, Give us strength and patience To endure life’s trials with faith Through his intercession. Eternal gratefulness to you. Amen.

Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.


O Saint Charbel, affectionate father, Our confidence in you fills our hearts. With the power of your intercession, We await the petitions we ask (make your petition(s) here). Show us your tender affection. Amen.

O Saint Charbel, pray for us.

O God, who granted Saint Charbel The grace of your resemblance, Help us grow in Christian virtues And have mercy on us, So we may praise you forever. Amen.

Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.


O Saint Charbel, beloved of God, Enlighten us, help us, and teach us How to please God. Intercede for us and ask for the petitions we seek (make your petition(s) here). Amen.

O Saint Charbel, pray for us.

O God, hear our plea through Saint Charbel’s intercession. Save our troubled hearts and grant us peace. Calm the storms of our souls. Eternal glory to you. Amen.

Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.


O Saint Charbel, powerful intercessor, We ask you to fulfill the petitions we seek (make your petition(s) here). A single word from you to Jesus Is enough to grant us mercy and our wishes. Amen.

O Saint Charbel, pray for us.

O God, who chose Saint Charbel to defend us, Grant us our petitions through his intercession So we may glorify you forever. Amen.

Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.


O Saint Charbel, loved by all, Helper of the needy, We have firm hope in your intercession before God. Fulfill the petitions we seek (make your petition(s) here). Amen.

O Saint Charbel, pray for us.

O God, grant us grace to repent Through Saint Charbel’s intercession. Return joy to our sorrowful hearts And grant us our petitions. Eternal glory and gratefulness to you. Amen.

Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.



O Saint Charbel, when we see you kneeling, Fasting and absorbed in calling God, Our hope and faith in you increases. Help us to receive the petitions we seek (make your petition(s) here). Amen.

O Saint Charbel, pray for us.

O Jesus, the most peaceful, You who raised your beloved Charbel to perfection, Grant us the grace to live according to your demands. We love you, O God, our Savior. Amen.

Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.



O Father, Saint Charbel, As we end this novena, our hearts are nourished. We hope to obtain from Jesus the petitions we seek (make your petition(s) here). We repent and promise to avoid sin. Fulfill our petitions through your intercession. Amen.

O Saint Charbel, pray for us.

O Lord, you listened to Saint Charbel’s prayers And granted him the grace of union with you. Have mercy on us in our distress, Save us from malice, and grant us peace. Eternal glory and gratefulness to you. Amen.

Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.

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