First Hymn:
"O Saint Charbel, son of Lebanon,
Symbol of martyrdom and faith,
To you, we direct our prayers,
In you, we place our hope.
With your righteousness, pray,
To the Lord of safety,
To shower upon us,
His sea of tenderness."
Second Hymn:
"You walked the hardest path to God,
Never deviating from His face.
Be the guiding light from above,
For a generation in hardship, in a lengthy night.
On earth, there’s hunger, tears, moaning,
Screams! And no compassion in stones!
Soften the hearts that are hardened,
Ease the path of hopeful trust.
On every soul’s hardship and tear,
Ask God for us to awaken.
And walk the path, shortened,
With a spirit of humility and deep love.
Help us when trials surround,
When life’s storms rage,
Remove from our hearts the roots of strife,
Replace discord with peace."